Saturday, August 14, 2010


just because i am an open book doesn't mean i will read myself to you, i am incapable of such. I am not a book on tape, i am a physical thing you need to pick up and read, take time with, give your full attention to. i realize that makes me difficult. i take more time than this world is bred to give anything anymore. and its not like i can say i'm worth it, i'm just an average girl. and i find myself pretty simple to read im not written in Shakespearian or hebrew highschool english at best emotions are straight forward i could be easily predicted. i'd never be worthy of a nobel peace prize probably never even picked up by a major publisher, too common. not intriguing enough. I'm just me, i don't have a fancy cover or flowery language, cant say i'm full of great adventure or romance or comedy,you'd probably never know me from anything else in the library thats if anyone goes to libraries anymore and if they do go if they even take a glance at the decorative pieces on the wall of witch i identify with. (books that is. if you're even still following me, i know i'm not within 140 characters.) but if you've known me for 8 years, 21 years, my whole life... i would be hard-pressed to find you not knowing me. but that seems to be the case. maybe the truth is i'm not as simple as i seem to be. or maybe people really don't feel i'm worth the time it takes to read me. am i just a coffee table decoration have i just been sitting there this whole time worth keeping around cuz i look good, make you feel smarter, just cuz i've always been there? i don't know the answers and if i did i probably wouldn't like them. so ill try this pretending you know me, it works for you i guess, maybe ill see how it works.

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