Wednesday, June 2, 2010

communication breaks

its another night gone sleepless.
but today cant end. its not over. and even as tomorrow starts i wont except the end of today.
Tonight was hard. my instinct is to worry, and my worry wont let me sleep. plus sleep comes at the end of a day, and todays not over. Things said, things unsaid, things i wish could be unsaid, it all adds up to an endless night.
Communication is something i am lacking in. not in a sense of the inability to speak, although i think that might serve me better, but in the sense of expressing my true emotions, feelings, thoughts, desires. Expression i guess would be a better way of putting it. i lack expression on many levels (communicative, artistic). i wish i could express in some way. wether it be comprehensible writing, painting, music, even just in speech, some sort of expression is an essential part of life of which i am truely void.