Thursday, May 20, 2010

a fly on the wall

Being a fly on the wall would suck. Sometimes i feel like one. Always seeing what is happening not being able to do anything about it. maybe it comes from being a young child at the time of my parents divorce. I saw everything. they were not sly about their problems, but being 2, 3, 4 years old there is nothing i could have done. now grown up seeing people hurt or hurting people, i feel helpless to do anything about it. No one touches my sisters, i mean me and her we'd die for each other and on a few occasions its almost come to that. but others, other than them. I care, Oh man do i care, i just don't know what to do. I'd like to say every so often, but it would be m ore accurate to say, frequently all my care and worries and emotions boil up into me crying hysterically over nothing or what would seem like nothing. today was one of those days.
A fly on the wall, sees all, cant talk, powerless to physically do anything even with six feet and two wings and the ability to fly. A fly could get annoying, fly in your face a bit, buzz near your ear; but deter a person from whatever activity he or she is taking part in or whatever he or she is saying, never. I guess it could be the one fly that the old lady swallowed, i don't know why she did that, perhaps she'll die. but even that might take a period of time and she probably finished whatever activity or speech she was taking part in at the time before her time finally came. I'm guessing its time to find that old lady and zoom down her throat, even if just for the chance that she perhaps might eventually die. and whatever further harm she could have experienced or caused would never exist. I guess the sooner the better. (i hope you all understand this is a metaphor and i will be in noway trying to kill old ladies. But only to keep people from harming themselves or others by doing my part stepping up and doing/saying something about it. the metaphor comes from a nursery rhyme 'i know an old lady who swallowed a fly, i don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll die.' twisted, yes but i didn't write it and what nursery rhyme isn't a little nutty.)
(also, one day i will be able to express my self with out ridiculous metaphors i make up on spot to desensitize the true meaning of what i am saying.)

Monday, May 10, 2010

If I wasnt me, I'd be an anarchist

The truth is i would. I believe in the Freedom that could really only come from true anarchy. And not the Anarchy that everyone thinks of when they hear the world. True anarchy has nothing to do with vandalism and anger. Its all about community and helping each other while all being equal. which is the basis of our so called government but our government screwed everything up. It will never exist not in my life time not with the mind set that we have in america. but anyway Anarchy.
And to be honest if i wasnt me i'd be a lot different. But in any sense I'd be punk. Different forms but the basis is all the same. I really hate our government i really hate our consumerism i really hate our stupid plastic society. I am Glad I am me. and the world probably is too.
I'm a nice person.
Life Death Love Etc. Importance in life? no. Everything is meaningless.